
Vest Biogass

Build, Own and Operate

About the Plant

Vest Biogass, located in Hornindal, Norway, is the first plant to be fully designed, built, owned and operated by Antec.
The plant is owned together with the local transport company, Haugen Maskin, who is Antec’ trusted partner in securing the feedstock for the future modern biogas facility.
The uniqueness of this plant is shortened construction time: we construct the site and the buildings in Norway, whilst manufacturing the reactors at Amiblu’s factory in Spain. This provides most efficient construction process and plug’n’play installation of the AD equipment.
We invite you to follow the construction of this fascinating facility, and will update the pages with new milestones, pictures and videos. We are also inviting the feedsock providers (manure, fish sludge/ensilage, food waste/ and gas offtakers to cooperation .

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AD Hall featuring 20 Antec BioReactors

Odor treatment unit

Separation plant

Manure Buffer tank

Digestate tank

Ammonia stripping plant

Feedstock Reception hall

Reception buffer tanks


Biogas upgrade/liquefaction plant

AD Hall featuring 20 Antec SumpBioConverters

Odor treatment unit

Separation plant

Manure Buffer tank

Digestate tank

Ammonia stripping plant

Feedstock Reception hall

Reception buffer tanks


Biogas upgrade/liquefaction plant

Quick Facts

Capacity: upto 90 GWh

AD System: 20 Antec Bio Converters

Feedstock: fish silage and sludge, food waste, manure

Production: LBG, Liquid Bio-CO2, BioFertilizers

Commercial production by: Q3-2025

Location: Norway


tons substrate potential per year


GWh annual production capacity

Q3 2025

Commercial operation date


April 2024

The first large shipment of the Antec plug flow reactors have traveled from Spain to Norway and successfully reached the Norwegian coast

November 2023

First reactors are ready for shipment at Amiblu in Spain

October 2023

Antec has received funding from ENOVA for Vest Biogass

September 2023

Vest Biogass main production hall is completted

Partners in the project

We cooperate with several important partners on different layers: Technology, Construction, Technology, Feedstock, Offtake etc.
We cooperate with local farmers, fish companies, food processing companies, on turning their waste into value for the local community!
Become a partner in the project!

BioConverter manufacturing

Site construction

Logistics, Feedstock



Partners in the project

Pictures and Videos

First reactors are ready for shipment at Amiblu in Spain

Our partner Amiblu (Spain), who supports Antec in manufacturing its BioReactors, has completed the first batch of the equipment, ready to be shipped to Hornindal in Norway and be installed at Vest Biogass plant , once the infrastructure and building are completed at the site.